best places to travel solo female

There’s no need to feel lonely when traveling solo – in fact, doing so can be a great way to get to know a destination intimately. Here are some of the best places to travel solo as a woman. Best places to travel solo female.

Paris, France
The City of Lights is a favorite destination for solo travelers of all stripes, and it’s easy to see why. With its romantic atmosphere, stunning architecture, and world-famous cuisine, Paris is a perfect place to explore on your own.

New York City, United States
The Big Apple is another city that’s perfect for solo travelers. It’s home to endless attractions, amazing restaurants, and a buzzing nightlife scene.

Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona is one of the most popular destinations in Europe, and it’s easy to see why. With its stunning architecture, Mediterranean atmosphere, and delicious food, Barcelona is a great place to explore on your own.

Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh is a charming city with plenty of history and culture to explore. It’s also home to some of the best pubs in the world, making it the perfect destination for a solo traveler looking for a good time.

Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok is a city that’s sure to please any solo traveler. With its delicious food, vibrant nightlife, and abundance of attractions, Bangkok has something for everyone.

Why solo female travel is the best way to go

There’s something innately special and unique about solo female travel. It can be life-changing, eye-opening, and empowering. And, contrary to popular belief, it can be incredibly safe too.

So why is solo female travel the best way to go? Here are just a few reasons:

1. You get to know yourself better.
Solo travel is the perfect way to get to know yourself better. When you’re on your own, you have to rely on yourself for everything – from making decisions, to problem-solving, to simply having fun. This can be a really rewarding experience, and it can help you to develop a better understanding of who you are and what you want out of life.

2. You learn to be independent.
As well as helping you to get to know yourself better, solo travel will also help you to become more independent. When you’re out there on your own, you quickly learn that you can’t always rely on others to help you out – you have to take care of yourself. This is an incredibly valuable lesson, and one that will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life.
best places to travel solo female
3. You become more confident.
Solo travel is a great way to boost your confidence. When you’re out there in the world on your own, you have to face up to all sorts of challenges and obstacles. And, inevitably, you’ll overcome most of them. This will give you a huge sense of accomplishment and confidence, and it will stay with you long after your trip has ended.

4. You make new friends.

Solo travel is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. When you’re out there on your own, you’ll quickly find that you have a lot in common with other solo travelers. And, before you know it, you’ll be swapping travel stories and planning future trips together.

5. You learn to trust people.
One of the best things about solo travel is that it teaches you to trust people. When you’re out there on your own, you have to put your trust in complete strangers – and, more often than not, they won’t let you down. This can be a really valuable lesson, and it will help you to form better relationships.

The top 5 best places to travel solo as a woman

There’s no need to be scared of traveling solo as a woman – in fact, it can be a really liberating and rewarding experience. Here are our top five favorite destinations for women traveling on their own:

1. Paris, France
Paris is a renowned tourist destination for a reason – it’s absolutely beautiful! And what’s great about Paris is that there’s something for everyone, whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or just want to wander around and take in the sights. Plus, Paris is a relatively safe city to travel in, and there are plenty of other solo women travelers around to help you out if needed.

2. New York City, USA
Another popular city for solo travelers, New York City offers a wealth of things to do and see. From the bright lights of Times Square to the stunning view from the top of the Empire State Building, there’s always something to keep you busy in NYC. Just be prepared for the crowds and the high cost of living!

3. Cusco, Peru
If you’re looking for an exotic and affordable destination to travel solo, look no further than Cusco, Peru. This former capital of the Inca Empire is full of archaeological treasures waiting to be discovered, and the locals are incredibly friendly and welcoming. Just be careful when traveling to Cusco – altitude sickness is a real thing!

4. Dublin, Ireland
Dublin is a great choice for solo travelers looking for a city with a lively nightlife and plenty of culture to explore. From the Temple Bar district to the famous Guinness Storehouse, there’s something for everyone in Dublin. And thanks to the strong Irish accent, you’ll never have to worry about being lost in translation.

5. Bali, Indonesia
Bali is a popular destination for solo travelers of all kinds, and it’s easy to see why. With its stunning beaches, lush jungles, and vibrant culture, Bali has something for everyone. Just be careful when traveling here – as with any developing country, there are certain areas that are best avoided.

best places to travel solo female
How to stay safe while travelling solo as a woman

There’s no need to be scared of travelling solo as a woman – just use your common sense and take some precautions. Here are some tips for staying safe while you’re on the road.

1. Plan your trip carefully
Before you set off on your journey, do your research and plan your route carefully. Try to avoid isolated areas, and make sure you know where you’re going and how to get there.

2. Stay alert
Be aware of your surroundings at all times, and keep your belongings close to you. If you’re feeling unsafe, move to a busy area or find someone to accompany you.

3. Avoid getting drunk
It’s important to stay alert and aware when you’re travelling solo, so avoid drinking too much. If you do drink, make sure you have a designated driver or plan to take a taxi home.

4. Stay in touch

Make sure your loved ones know your travel plans, and keep in touch with them regularly. If you’re going to be out of contact for a while, let them know so they don’t worry.

5. Be prepared
Make sure you have all the necessary travel documents, including your passport and visa (if necessary), and pack a small first-aid kit and some essential supplies.

6. Be aware of scams
Be aware of common scams that target solo travelers, such as the ‘bag scam’ or the ‘friendship scam’. If something feels too good to be true, it probably is.

7. Stay safe online
When you’re travelling, be careful about what information you share online. Don’t post about your trip until you’ve returned home, and be aware of the risks of using public Wi-Fi networks.

8. Be cautious with strangers
Don’t trust strangers too easily – remember, not everyone is as friendly as they seem. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, trust your gut instinct and remove yourself from the situation.

9. Carry some cash
It’s always a good idea to carry some cash on you, just in case you need it. This can come in handy if you need to take a taxi or buy some food or drinks.

10. Have fun!

What to pack for a solo trip as a woman

When packing for a solo trip, it’s important to think about what you’ll need and what will be most comfortable and convenient for you. Here are some tips on what to pack:

A passport, identification and money. You’ll need these items to get around and to access your funds.

A credit or debit card. This is important for accessing cash and for making purchases.

phone and charger. You’ll want to be able to keep in touch with people back home and to access maps and other information. flashlight. This can come in handy for finding your way around at night or for exploring dark areas.

Sunscreen and sunglasses. These are important for protecting your skin and your eyes.

Bug spray. This can help protect you from insect bites, which can often lead to illness.

A swimsuit. If you’re going to a beach destination, be sure to pack your swimsuit.

The best ways to meet people while travelling solo as a woman

There’s no need to be scared of travelling solo as a woman – in fact, it can be a great way to get to know new people and explore a new destination on your own terms. But if you’re not sure how to go about meeting people while you’re away, here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Join a group tour
One of the best ways to meet people while travelling solo is to join a group tour. This way, you’ll have a ready-made group of people to socialise with, and you’ll get to see all the best sights and attractions the destination has to offer.

2. Stay in a hostel
If you’re not keen on joining a group tour, staying in a hostel is another great way to meet people. Hostels are a great way to meet like-minded people, and you’ll often find that there’s a lively and social atmosphere amongst guests.

3. Strike up a conversation with people in your hotel or on your flight
Another great way to meet people is to chat to people who are in your hotel or on your flight. This is a great way to get to know people from all over the world, and you may even make some lifelong friends.

4. Use social media
If you’re not comfortable striking up conversations with people in real life, you can always use social media to meet people. There are a number of social media platforms that are great for travelling solo, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

5. Join a meet-up group
If you want to meet people who have similar interests to you, joining a meet-up group is a great way to do so. There are a number of different meet-up groups available online, so you’re sure to find one that’s right for you.

How to make the most of your trip when travelling solo as a woman

As a woman travelling solo, there are a few things you can do to make the most of your trip and stay safe. Here are a few tips:

1. Plan your trip carefully. Know where you are going and what you are doing. Make sure you have a map or GPS and that you are familiar with the area.
2. Stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Be aware of who is around you and what they are doing.

3. Avoid travelling at night. If you have to travel at night, try to travel with a friend or in a group.

4. Be cautious when using public transportation. Make sure you know where you are going and which stop to get off at.

5. Stay in well-lit, populated areas. Avoid walking in dark, deserted areas.

6. Keep your belongings close to you. Do not leave your belongings unattended.

7. Do not accept drinks or food from strangers.

8. If you feel unsafe, leave the area. Do not hesitate to ask for help from locals or police.

9. Have a backup plan. If something happens and you are unable to continue your trip, have a plan for what you will do.

By following these tips, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip when travelling solo as a woman.

best places to travel solo female

Solo Female Travel Tips

There’s something special and empowering about traveling solo as a woman. Whether you’re a first-time traveler or a seasoned pro, these tips will help you make the most of your next solo adventure.

1. Plan your trip wisely.
Before you go, take the time to plan your trip. Choose a destination that’s safe and accessible, and make sure you have a good idea of what you’ll be doing while you’re there. If you’re not sure where to start, check out some of the best solo female travel destinations.

2. Pack light.
There’s nothing worse than lugging around a heavy suitcase on a solo trip. Pack light and only bring the essentials. You’ll be thankful for the extra weight savings when you have to carry your bag yourself.

3. Stay safe.
When traveling solo, it’s important to take precautions to stay safe. Make sure you know where you’re going and what areas to avoid, and always carry a copy of your passport and important documents with you.

4. Meet new people.
One of the best things about traveling solo is the opportunity to meet new people. Talk to the locals, join a group tour, or stay in a hostel to make new friends from all over the world.

5. Take time for yourself.
Solo travel can be a great opportunity to focus on yourself and your own needs. Take some time to relax and enjoy the peace and solitude that comes with traveling solo.


There are endless reasons why traveling solo as a woman can be an amazing experience, but narrowing it down to just a few of the best destinations in Asia is a good place to start. From the bustle and excitement of Bangkok to the serene beauty of Bali, these are some of the best spots in the region to explore on your own.

Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world for good reason – it’s an exciting and vibrant city with something for everyone. From the temples and palaces to the markets and nightlife, Bangkok is a great place to explore on your own. Be prepared for the heat and humidity, but it’s well worth it to experience all that this city has to offer.

Bali, Indonesia
Bali is one of the most beautiful and serene destinations in Asia, and it’s a great place to relax and rejuvenate. With its stunning beaches, lush jungles, and towering volcanoes, there’s something for everyone in Bali. Whether you’re looking to soak up the sun and relax on the beach, go on hikes and explore the countryside, or party the night away in the bars and clubs, Bali has it all.

Jeju-do, South Korea
Jeju-do is a volcanic island off the coast of South Korea and it’s one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. With its dramatic scenery, diverse landscape, and warm climate, it’s easy to see why. Jeju-do is a great place to explore on your own, and there’s something for everyone, from beaches and hiking trails to theme parks and spas.

Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo is one of the most vibrant and exciting cities in the world, and it’s a great place to explore on your own. With its towering skyscrapers, sprawling markets, and endless nightlife, Tokyo has something for everyone. Be prepared for the crowds and the intense energy of this city, but it’s well worth it to experience all that Tokyo has to offer.


When it comes to travel, there’s no question that Europe is one of the best destinations in the world for solo women. From the picturesque villages of Italy to the lively nightlife of Barcelona, there’s something for everyone in Europe. Here are some of the best destinations for solo women in Europe.

1. Paris, France
Paris is one of the most romantic cities in the world, and it’s also a great destination for solo women. There’s something for everyone in Paris, from world-famous museums like the Louvre to charming cafes and restaurants. Plus, Paris is home to some of the best shopping in the world.

2. Rome, Italy
Rome is one of the most beautiful and historical cities in Europe, and it’s a great destination for solo women. There’s so much to see and do in Rome, from visiting the Colosseum to sampling delicious Italian cuisine. Plus, Rome is a great city for shopping.

3. Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, and it’s no wonder why. This vibrant city is home to beautiful architecture, delicious food, and plenty of nightlife options. Barcelona is also a great city for shopping.

4. Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh is a charming and historic city in Scotland, and it’s a great destination for solo women. There’s so much to see and do in Edinburgh, from visiting the Edinburgh Castle to sampling delicious Scottish cuisine.

5. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam is a vibrant and fun city in the Netherlands, and it’s a great destination for solo women. There’s something for everyone in Amsterdam, from world-famous museums like the Rijksmuseum to lively nightlife options. Amsterdam is also a great city for shopping.

South America

There is no question that South America is a magical continent filled with stunning natural beauty, vibrant cultures, and endless adventure opportunities. And while it’s definitely a great place for couples and families to travel, it’s also a fantastic destination for solo women travelers.

In fact, there are so many amazing places to visit in South America that it can be tough to know where to start. But don’t worry, I’ve put together a list of the top five destinations for solo women travelers in South America.

1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio is without a doubt one of the most iconic and vibrant cities in South America, and it’s a great place to visit for solo women travelers. The city is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, as well as a lively nightlife and culture scene.

2. Santiago, Chile
Santiago is the capital of Chile and a great place to visit if you want to experience the country’s rich culture and history. The city is filled with beautiful architecture, parks, and museums, and it’s also a great place to enjoy some of Chile’s world-famous wine.

3. Cusco, Peru

Cusco is the ancient capital of the Inca Empire and a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Peruvian history and culture. The city is filled with ancient Inca ruins and monuments, as well as a lively modern city center.

4. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina and one of the most vibrant and exciting cities in South America. The city is home to a diverse mix of cultures, as well as a lively arts and nightlife scene.

5. Florianopolis, Brazil
Florianopolis is a beautiful island located off the coast of Brazil. The island is known for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush vegetation. It’s also a great place to enjoy some of Brazil’s famous nightlife.

North America

If you’re a woman who loves to travel solo, then you’re in luck. North America is home to some of the best places in the world to explore by yourself. Here are five of our favorite destinations:

New York City, USA
There’s no place like New York City when it comes to excitement and energy. This metropolis is alive with culture, arts, and entertainment. You’ll never be bored in this city that never sleeps. And with its vast array of restaurants and hotels, you’ll always be able to find a place to stay and something to eat.

San Francisco, USA
San Francisco is a beautiful city located on the coast of California. It’s known for its steep hills, eclectic neighborhoods, and stunning Golden Gate Bridge. This city is a great place to visit if you’re interested in history, art, and nature.

Quebec City, Canada
Quebec City is a charming city located in the Canadian province of Quebec. It’s known for its well-preserved French colonial architecture, picturesque streets, and lively nightlife. This city is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a European-style vacation in North America.

Banff, Canada
Banff is a beautiful town located in the Canadian province of Alberta. It’s nestled in the Rocky Mountains and is a great place to visit if you’re interested in skiing, hiking, and wildlife. Banff is also home to some of the best restaurants in Canada.

Los Angeles, USA
Los Angeles is a huge city with something for everyone. You can visit Hollywood, go shopping on Rodeo Drive, or explore the city’s vast array of museums and cultural attractions. Los Angeles is also home to some of the best restaurants and nightlife in the world.


Africa is a great place for solo women travelers. There are many different countries in Africa, each with its own unique culture and attractions. Here are some of the best destinations for solo women travelers in Africa.

1. South Africa
South Africa is a great destination for solo women travelers. It is a large country with lots of different attractions, from beaches and safaris to cities and wine regions. South Africa is also a very safe country to travel in, with a low crime rate.

2. Egypt
Egypt is an ancient country with a rich culture and lots of attractions, from the pyramids and ancient temples to the modern city of Cairo. It is also a safe country to travel in, with a low crime rate.

3. Morocco
Morocco is a North African country with a rich culture and stunning scenery. It is a great destination for solo women travelers, with plenty of attractions to explore, from the ancient city of Fes to the beaches of Agadir. Morocco is also a safe country to travel in, with a low crime rate.

4. Tanzania
Tanzania is an East African country with a diverse landscape and a rich culture. It is a great destination for solo women travelers, with plenty of attractions to explore, from the Serengeti National Park to the beaches of Zanzibar. Tanzania is also a safe country to travel in, with a low crime rate.

5. Kenya
Kenya is a East African country with a diverse landscape and a rich culture. It is a great destination for solo women travelers, with plenty of attractions to explore, from the Masai Mara National Reserve to the beaches of Mombasa. Kenya is also a safe country to travel in, with a low crime rate.

There you have it – the best solo women travel blogs to inspire and inform your next trip! Whether you’re looking for packing tips, advice on where to go, or just want to be inspired by other women’s travel experiences, these blogs have you covered. Happy travels!