Top 10 bangladesh seen

Bangladesh is a small but very beautiful place all over the world. Bangladesh has a rich history and some rich visiting place. We are going to describe about Top Ten Interesting Places in Bangladesh.

Saint Martin:

Saint Martin is the place of absolute for those who are thirsty for travel. It’s called Narikel Jinjira and now days it also called Darucini Island. Water around all sides. This island located middle of the sea of Bay Of Bengal. Rows and rows trees of coconut flocks flying Gangchil and corals are growing on the allowance are very impressive. You can have a lot of fun in the shallow sea with your friends and family.

Just imagine that early in the morning with one cup of coffee, sun just rising in the east side of sky. It’s a very desirable moment for every travel lovers. Most of people visit Saint Martin November to March, it’s most suitable season for voisitors. Its located south part from Teknaf thana headquarters and from Badarmukh makam 9 kilometres. In the visiting season everyday come and go 5 launches from Bangladesh main land. There have many kind of sea fish, crab, nail ad many other things. This place is very beautiful more than your imagination.

2. Cox’s Bazar:

Cox’s bazaar is one of the most beautiful sandy sea beach. It also longest unbroken sea beach all over the world. It is 125 length. Usually people come here relax and enjoy their times and for refreshment. Best time for visiting is winter time. You can walk barefoot and you can enjoy the waves of the blue sea. Even after being scratched, the cries of those who do not want to live can go away with its sound.

In front of rows and rows of palm trees, the blue is sometimes fixed and sometimes the rough sea will delight you. On a full moon night, the moonlight is reflected in the sea water . Cox’s bazaar located in south eastern part of Bangladesh 392 Km far from Dhaka. Anyone can come here by air, bus, private car, and have many kind of processes. Some main point of beaches is Inani, Sugandha, Kolatoli and Laboni famous beach side. Here have many Residential hotel and many restaurants. You can also taste many kind of sea food.


3. Sundarban:

In 1997 UNSCO give place world heritage. You can visit by launch and by bus, Launch has morning and evening and y road has bus from Khulna. You can easily reach Sundarban. Sundarban is the largest mangrove forest all over the world located in Bangladesh. It’s 65% in Bangladesh and 35% located in India and home to many species kind of trees and animals.  You can see there are many rear type of trees and rear type of animals. There have all small beaches and island that can enjoy. It’s famous for The Royal Bengal Tiger, deer, monkey, snakes and various type of fish all over the world.  Mainly visiting season start from November, You can visit with your friends and family. You can spend your with seeing animals trees and take photo of them. You want take a feel of beach it’s possible.



4. Sajek valley: Top Ten Interesting Places in Bangladesh

Now days it is one of the most favourite place for visitor. It’s located almost of north side District of Rangmati, Bagahaichari upzila and Sajek union. It’s 70 kilometres far from Rangmati District city. From Rangamati to Kaptai lake by boat then by leg you can reach there but it’s long journey by leg Kaptai lake to Sajek valley. There are two neighbourhoods kanlak and Ruilui.

You can see there the fresh cloud, many types of trees many hills and you can see many places of Rangamati by sitting there. Kanlakk hill is main point of view for visitors, don’t miss it. Sajek Valley like a drawn image, never ends its beauty, don’t miss the to see play of cloud and sunrise at a moment .If you want to refresh your mind and soul go fast and visit Sajek valley. It’s have no time limitation for visit you can visit whole of the year.

Sajek valley

5. Rangamati:

Rangamati is the headquarters of hill district. It’s located 77 kilo metre far from Chittagong and 308 kilo metre from Dhaka. Here main point of view is kaptai lake, Rajbon bihar, Hanging Bridge, Shuvolong waterfall Navy picnic spot, Kaptai dam, water of Karnafully, kaptai national park Pablakhali, Pada ting  ting and many very good looking places. Chakmar king house one of the visitable place, no entry fee applicable here. But one interesting  thing  that now days Chakma tribes are paying  taxes.  You can visit that places very near of nature. If you visit these places you can feel that the nature generously gifted us. Its eye-catching beauty will impress you.

Top Ten Interesting Places in Bangladesh


6. Jaflong: Top Ten Interesting Places in Bangladesh

Jaflong is located in sylhet district Goinghat upzila. It is sisutaed  62 kilometres northeast from sylhet main city. Here hill and river mixes very closely for this reason jaflong one of the most spectacular place around Bangladesh. Jaflonng is famous for many kind of rock many waterfalls and view of many hills.

There have one river that fire burns in water. There have many rivers that’s are presenting you a very good view, its water very transparent that can be see everything under water. When the river has full water its give an extra ordinary view full of transparent water will fascinate you that’s totally look like blue sky.  Winter a rainy season its take extra type of beauty. On the other hand take a feel of sunset from top of the hill.

Top Ten Interesting Places in Bangladesh

7. Nilachol:

Nilachol is one of spectacular place for travelers located in the Bandarban district, its 6 kilometers far from Bandarban city topper of Tigerpar hill. It’s compared with Indian one of the most impressive visiting spot called Darjiling. It’s a project of the Bangladesh Government. There have Shuovnil jhulonto nila, Niharika nd Valentines point named amazing rest spot.  These points are created beside of hills. Visitors can enjoy many kind of view from others hills. You can see full view of Bandarban and if you lucky can see Cox’s bazaar. From one to another hills view or others view totally difficult. Rainy, Autumn Spring season and others all season have cloudy feel from rest spots. You can be touch cloud from here and take feel that you’re under cloud.  Visitors have permission until sunset. One of the more attractive is Blue resort.

8. kuakata: Top Ten Interesting Places in Bangladesh

Southwest part of Bangladesh located Kuakata. One of the favourite place for travellers. It’s called Daughter of sea. It is 18 by length and attractive beach. This one is only beach of Bangladesh that you can see sunrise and sunset from one place sitting. If you want to take tourist boat, you will se many places and many others type of view like Fatrar Bon, Lal kakrar chor, Shutki beach, Shuvo sandha beach, Laldiyar bon, Harin ghata, Chor Bijoy etc. You can take a feel of sea. Its mainly located at Patuakhali district, mahipur thana, Lota chapori union by road its far from Dhaka almost 380 kilometres and from Patuakhali city 70 kilometre far. There have many hotel and rest house you can stay there by your budget and taste. Residential coast can be 400 taka to 5000 taka per night.

Top Ten Interesting Places in Bangladesh

9. Ratargul

Jolaban: Bangladeshi only one freshwater forest and animals sanctuary. It’s located in Sylhet Goainghat its 26 kilo metres far from Sylhet city. There have few fresh water forest in the world one of them is Ratargulbihar. It’s reserved by the Bangladesh forest Ministry. Evergreen forest is located bank of the Wang river. When fully Rainy season its under 20-30 feet under water and others season it’s have 10 feet under the water. If you visit this forest rainy season, You have to visit the forest by boat. On the other hand when water goes down there make some to for walking. Ratargul Lalbzar and Dorga road have some residential hostel. If you want to take a full refreshment you have to must visit Ratargul.

10. Bangabandhu Safari Park: Top Ten Interesting Places in Bangladesh

Do you want to take a feel of forest with animals? New attraction created for travellers. Its located at  Gazipur  District. At first you have to go Gazipur district  Bagher Bazar named place. Then from there you can see the Bangababdhu Safari park named gate, from there you have to take CNG or rickshaw. Ticket counter has front of the park, 50 taka ticket per head. There have many kind of animals and trees. Specially many kind of fish, Monkey, Deer, The Royal Bengal Tiger,Lion, Zebra and many kind of animals.

To see all the animals, you have to take a trip by bus.  There have all the animals full free they are not in cage, visitor can see them by sitting on car. Totally feel of a big forest because you’re sitting on car and many kind of animals like Lion, Tiger, Deer, Wild cows, Monkey, Zebra and many more. Just imagine that you’re in a car and man Violent  animals are coming near to you and many more are your beside, it’s a great opportunity for travellers. I think if you visit this park fully get one real forest feel.

Top Ten Interesting Places in Bangladesh