সোনা মসজিদ
সোনা মসজিদ

Choto Shona Mosque and Mughal Toha khana is historical monuments of the Mughal and it is still bearing the history of them. Many Mughal emperor was the ruler in our subcontinent. They create many histories and stories, today our topic one of them. We are going to disclose about choto Shona Masjid and TahKhana. Both construction is still famous to the country and outside of country people. So to know about them and to know the history many people come here. Choto Sona Mosque was the security sign of Bangladesh Bank 20 taka note.

Choto Shona Mosque and Mughal Toha khana - Aholidaytours

Location: Choto Shona Mosque and Mughal Toha khana

The distance between Choto Shona mosque and Tohakhana is only 500 meter. These history take place at Rajshahi division, Chapai nawabganj district, Shivganj upazila, Shahbaz union and Phirojpur village. It is only 32 km away from the Chapai Nawabgaj main city.


History of choto Shona Mosque:

It is one of the ancient Mosque in Bangladesh. Once upon a time ‘Gour’ was the capital of Bengal. In that time this great work madein the time of Sultan Alaudddin Hossain Shah and made this complex by the Shila Lipi, itbeliefs the maiden date was 1494 – 1519. Exact date was not mentioned in that template. It is called the gems of Sultanate architecture.  For the reason of golden color it called the Sona Mosque.

Choto Shona Mosque and Mughal Toha khana - Aholidaytours

Choto Shona Mosque

Description Of the mosque: Choto Shona Mosque and Mughal Toha khana

The outside of the Mosque North – South 82 feet long and East – West 52.5 feet and height is 20 meter. The arches and dome are made by the bricks. The walls of the mosque are 6 feet thick. Here have four tower in the four corner. The tower made step by7 step ring work and the height of the tower up to cornice of the roof. There have 5 arched door and the doors are truly ornamented. Without these doors their have more doors. In the north side, here have stairs, this stair take person to a secrate room. It is beliefs that the emperor used this room for the prayer. But according to the construction style, this stair and room look like Jenan Mahal.

In the internal side, here have 8 pillars and 15 domes built in the surrounding walls. The domes on the roof between the middle mihrab and the middle door of the east wall are the Bangla Chauchala domes. They have a total of 12 domes, three on each side. These are semi-circular domes. One of the features of this mosque is that only five domes can be seen from any side from the outside, the domes at the back are not visible.

Total mosque was decorated with various types of works like flower, creeper leaves and many more scenery and used tiles, bricks, rocks for the made the construction. Overall a very attractive and unique creation. You may also see the old  graves and two not much old. Last two graves south east side. These graves are captain Mohiuddin and Nazmul Haque Tulu, who laid down their lives in the independent war of Bangladesh. You can also see the lines of Holy Quran and the name of Allah.

Description and history of Tahakhan:

Tahakhana is situated 500 feet away from the Shona mosque and beside of Jahedul Bala named ponds. The meaning of tahakhana is cold building or palace. This building two storeys, the length and wide is 35.35 meter and 11.58 meter. Here have total 17 rooms. North side rooms used for prayers and others rooms used for the daily works and other woks. 1839-1857 A.D. Matante 1839-160 A.D. Tohakhana was built as a heat-controlled building to pay homage to his murshid Hazrat Shah Syed Neyamtullah.


Choto Shona Mosque and Mughal Toha khana - Aholidaytours

Mughal Toha khana

Here have two stories behind this building. Some says that this building made by the ruler Shah Suja the son of Emperor Shajahan. The ruler made this building for the staying there, to see the area and meet with his spiritual teacher Shah Niyamat Ullah (R.). Another story is this building made for his spiritual teacherShah Niyamat Ullah (R.). When the ruler came here, he was stayed into a large room.  Here have some unknown graves, it beliefs that the graves of servant of Shah Niyamat Ullah (R.).  Now days here have the shrine of Shah Neyamatullah and Mughals time mosque. Choto Shona Mosque and Mughal Toha khana.

Choto Shona Mosque and Mughal Toha khana - Aholidaytours

Mughal Toha khana

How to reach:

It is very easy to reach this place, just you have to come Chapai Nawabganj and from there only 32 km. Here are available all types of vehicles on the road. The beauty of  beside the road will fascinate you. Over all it will be a very nice trip.